Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Create your own Firework!!

We had two winners for this contest! Both win $500 in fireworks and we will take their ideas to China. If their product is produced they will receive a free case! Read the winning submissions below!! Thanks to everyone who participated--we had a great time reading them all!

My ideal Firework would be called Mount Redoubt. Redoubt would be a show in its own. Redoubt would start out slow with red, white, and blue smoke that would sore more than 20 feet into the air like a volcanic plume. As the smoke fills the air white, yellow and red crackling stars would shoot up in the plume creating a dramatic 3D thundering lighting show and as the fury intensifies Redoubt begins spouting fire followed by large explosive volcanic bombs of red, silver, yellow, blue and white comet tails with reports will light the sky and plume like you have never seen before and as it all calms down and you begin to think it’s all over Redoubt releases all her might with a tremendous explosive eruption of smoke, multi color volcanic crackling bombs that shower the sky, and a 16 shot aerial display with colors and sound that will leave you breathless. This spectacular eruption of Mount Redoubt carries on for over five minutes and when the shadows of smoke and the dust begins to settle and the smell of sulfur lingers in the air you will be left fascinated and in a state of ah.

My firework would be a tribute to our military! Freedom Flight would shoot high into the air and shoot a shower of red, white and blue sparks viewable for miles! After the sparks were out it would explode loudly and release thousands of biodegradable paper flags showering patriotism onto the spectators.

1 comment:

  1. Redoubt sounds pretty awesome hope u guys are able to get it made it will be kinda neet to have a firework that represents Alaska congrats MaKenzie well done....
